Counseling for Anxiety

Wondering if there’s another way?

Are you fighting off panic attacks and anxiety?

Exhausted from being worried and nervous all of the time?

Do you want to find out the reasons for your anxiety…

And learn powerful ways to stop feeling so stressed and anxious?

That feeling of impending doom…

Anxiety and stress can be paralyzing…

And, over time, it can have damaging effects to your mind and body.

You know what it feels like:

Light-headedness, difficulty breathing, rapid heart rate…

Chest pain… or chronic tightness in the chest…

Overwhelming fear and obsessive worries…

What is therapy for anxiety like?

In general, therapy works to eliminate symptoms of anxiety by helping you to identify the thoughts, beliefs, and situations that evoke an anxious or stress-inducing response.

Then, it helps you create a solid plan to eliminate its impact on your life.

You can learn coping skills such as guided relaxation techniques, breathing techniques, and the use of cue words that can be used anywhere to calm your body.

Therapy can also aid in strengthening your self-image and increasing your resilience to life stressors.

Getting to the heart of the problem…

In therapy, the first step is always to simply slow down and, with compassion and acceptance, work to guide your attention inward.

Through the arts of mindfulness and active listening, we begin to create enough space so that you can see yourself and your circumstances in a more accepting way.

From that space, we identify what’s getting in the way of your sense of peace and well-being.

Creating a plan for change…

We will discover what’s important to you… and create goals and plans around whatever that might be. I will always seek first to understand as fully as possible your view of any situation.

Then we’ll work to identify behaviors and old beliefs that are either unhelpful… or that might have once been helpful but no longer serve you.

Finally, we will move forward by allowing fresh new insights to emerge.

Tailored to your unique needs, personality, and lifestyle…

Whether you’re the type of person who’s willing to experiment… or the one who’s hesitant to try anything at all… we work on the solutions that are the best fix for you.

The only thing you really need is the determination and willingness to make your life better.

Imagine a better, more fulfilled life…

If you want to take control of your life and resolve your anxiety, then therapy can be your strongest ally.

You will learn concrete methods to help you manage your anxiety and panics.

Break the chain of negative thought patterns and find peace and calm.

Imagine being able to stop your anxiety in its tracks, and…

Sleeping better through the night…
Awakening in the morning without being troubled by negative thoughts…

Socializing with more ease…
Laughing freely with your loved ones…

Leaving your home, travelling, or going on holidays without fear
Feeling free to drive, fly, or do what you like without irrational concern…

Trusting your body…
Being free from circular or repetitive thoughts…

Feeling encouraged to reach your goals with a sense of joy…
Having a clear mind and strong sense of purpose…

Taking advantage of new opportunities and experiencing new things…
And becoming a source of encouragement for others who experience anxiety.

We’ll tackle the challenges and embrace the rewards… together.

There are no limits to what you can achieve once you learn how to control and eliminate your fear, worry and panic.

Learn the powerful techniques of mental intent, abdominal breathing, and progressive muscle relaxation (just to name a few), all of which will help you change your negative and anxious mindset.

With practice you will reduce or eliminate your fears, anxieties, and phobias. Eliminate everything that is holding you back from getting what you want and living your best life.

Reclaim your body. Empower your life. Start living the life you want today.

Call now for your free consultation: (727) 265-2714