
Has discontent, worry, and defeat settled over your life?

The constant sleepless nights, because you keep replaying every decision you made throughout the day, wondering what others are thinking and saying about you…

The sound of the dreaded alarm signaling the start of another day, but you just want to stay in bed and shut out the rest of the world…

Conflicts in your relationships, because no one seems to understand the challenges you face. Why even bother talking about it with your partner or friends…

Anxiety, depression, relationship troubles, and escape into addictive behaviors are all signs that something needs our attention.

It’s time to reevaluate the old ways of doing things, of being, and seeing things.

Move beyond problems and diagnoses…

… and toward more freedom, growth and possibilities. That’s where we need to go as we move into this work. Begin living in the world of possibility and see all our difficulties as paths toward growth!!

To gain the insight and energy necessary to move forward, it’s often important to first see what thought-images, habitual emotional reactions, and core beliefs and ideas are holding us stuck.

It’s by realizing and letting go of unhelpful ideas that we begin on the path of lasting positive change.

We’re built to be social…

Our relationships have a tremendous impression on us, which can be both a source of pain and power.

A part of therapy will be our exploration of how these interpersonal relationships have shaped our viewpoint (inner story)… in ways that either enhance or hinder our overall growth and healing.

Shifting narratives for strength…

Through deep inner listening and mindfully connecting with the present moment, we are guided in self-exploration, reinterpretation, and organization of ourselves.

This let’s us go beyond our stories and limited interpretation of events. We can then use the power of our personal story and shift our narratives to strengthen ourselves.

By letting go of limiting ideas about ourselves, we automatically strengthen our personal power, improve our ability to deal with life circumstances, and strengthen our capacity to feel more alive each moment.

This then becomes the backbone for greater compassion for ourselves, openness toward others, catalyzing lasting healing, growth, and joy.

About Me

My path of self-discovery…

I’ve been on a journey of inner exploration for over two decades. It started with learning different forms of martial arts and meditative techniques as a natural interest and inclination.

I then found myself drawn more more into the interests of eastern philosophy and western psychology and how these ideas and ways of being can translate into living a life of self-acceptance and happiness…

A bit of education…

I studied psychology as an undergraduate student while playing football. Eventually, I went to graduate school at NYU to get a Master of Social Work (MSW) degree… ultimately to serve the world through the art and science of psychotherapy.

I place a lot of value on therapy.

I’ve been in and out of therapy for many years and have had a number of mentors who’ve had a significant impact on my life. They helped me to gain a greater sense of self-reliance in this ever-changing world of flowing chaos and beauty.

When I’m not doing therapy…

I am a husband to an amazing wife and father to two wonderful kids. I’m also an amateur triathlete, martial arts enthusiast… and a terrible chess player! I’m passionate about what I do, and I would love to work with you.

Give me a call today: (727) 265-2714

“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.”

– Maya Angelou